Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Geordi La Forge

4. Variations On A Theme Of Brahms

Star Trek Geordi
CBS Media Ventures

"How is Leah?" Picard asks Geordi in the alternate future vineyard of All Good Things. "Just wonderful. Busy as ever," the former Enterprise-D engineer (now 25-ish years older) replies. Whilst no surname is given in the exchange, it's certainly more than implied that this particular "Leah" is Leah Brahms, the prodigious warp field theorist we first 'met' in Booby Trap. The novelisation of All Good Things… does, in fact, confirm this as such.

After Geordi's highly inappropriate behaviour in Booby Trap, and then again in Galaxy's Child, one might have expected him to be dragged to the 24th century version of an HR department (at least!), not down the aisle! Nonetheless, and this despite the fact that Dr Brahms already had a husband in Galaxy's Child, the theme of Geordi and Leah's seemingly inevitable wedded bliss is one that recurs in beta canon. For example, Brahms is given as Geordi's "first wife" in Star Trek: Online, and in the Star Trek: Countdown (2009) comics, the pair are said to be married.

Geordi's behaviour towards Dr Brahms clearly made LeVar Burton uncomfortable too. As he told The Shuttlepod Show in 2023:

As part of Geordi's canon, he had stalked this woman who designed the Enterprise engines, Dr Leah Brahms. He had created a hologram […] And then she came on the ship, and he met her. And it was like, wow, what a creepy fff… frickin' thing to do! I didn't dig it at all.

Thankfully, Geordi was about to get some much-needed character development in the form of Star Trek: Picard's third season.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.