Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Wesley Crusher

3. Laws Of Lefler

Star Trek Wesley Crusher
CBS Media Ventures

"Wesley's come home and his family's out to get him," is how Brannon Braga summarised his teleplay for The Game, as cited in The Star Trek: The Next Generation Companion. Braga wanted to make Wesley "a little hipper" for the episode, adding in Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages that, "[I] took the opportunity to make him a more relaxed character with some personality and some spunk."

The Game was also the chance to give Wesley a girlfriend (of sorts) in the form of Robin Lefler. However, in spite of Robin's 108th law — "A couple of light-years can't keep good friends apart" — her character was never seen again. According to The Next Gen Companion once more, "A hoped-for third appearance" for Lefler in The First Duty (evidently) just "didn't work out." Cut to 2002, and it seemed like the whole Trekly-minded internet had fallen afoul of what was later Robin's (non-canon) 42nd law, given in the Star Trek: New Frontier novel Treason: "Any joke that has to be explained isn't worth explaining."

"It's been confirmed that [Ashley Judd] will reprise her role of Robin Lefler from Star Trek: TNG in Nemesis. […] Seems like the two have since become man and wife," declared in April 2002. "We have also confirmed that Ashley Judd will return to play Robin Lefler, the same role she had as a guest star on the series. She and Wesley are now married," foretold Box Office Prophets in the same month of the same year. Later, added, "Update: Judd's spokesperson denied this cameo appearance."

Lefler was, of course, never in Nemesis, and not in the deleted scenes either. All this had apparently begun with a joke made by Ashley Judd (that she would be returning as Lefler in Nemesis as Wesley's wife) during an interview with David Letterman. This was then reported as fact through Zentertainment, and the interwebs went from there. Still, when it comes to Lefler, but especially Wesley, there's always Robin's 108th law, as defined in the New Frontier novel Fire on High: "It's not over until it's over, and sometimes not even then."

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.