Star Trek: 10 Times Captain Janeway Went Full Badass
She doesn't like bullies. She doesn't like threats. And she doesn't like YOU!

To quote Lieutenant Shaxs - "Janeway didn't mess around!"
Thrown 70,000 lightyears across the galaxy, away from Earth, and without the guidance of Starfleet, Captain Janeway certainly found herself in the most challenging and unprecedented of situations. And yet she held her head up high and tackled each obstacle with courage, stamina, and, in many instances, full-on badassery.
With the patriarchal skepticism weighing heavy on Kate Mulgrew and, thereby Janeway's, shoulders as Voyager took to our screens, it was vital for Star Trek's first leading female captain to demonstrate just as much, if not more, gall and strength as any male counterpart would and it's fair to say - that she did.
Some examples are small but mighty, such as that epic slide entrance in The Chute, while others are of a much bolder magnitude.
"Though she be but little she is firece", and don't ever forget it!
10. Out-thinking The Think Tank - Think Tank

To some, the term 'badass' relates only to acts that demonstrate physical strength and impressive combat skills. This is, however, only one element of badassery, and, particularly in relation to Captain Janeway, there is something to be said for utilising intellect and knowledge to gain the upper hand on one's opponent. This was certainly the case in Season 5's Think Tank.
When faced with a seemingly inescapable trap laid out by Kurros and his aptly labeled "Think Tank", Janeway and the Voyager crew are forced to outwit this collective of intellectuals in order to escape without adhering to their terms, namely, handing over Seven of Nine.
After hours of unsuccessful discussions, Janeway comes to the realisation that the best way to defeat the Think Tank is to use its predictability and weakness to their advantage. Noting that without the ability to communicate, the collective would be unable to function. From here a plan is formulated to trick Kurros into linking Seven into their communications system, allowing Tuvok to disrupt their telepathic link.
But to add the cherry to this cunning cake, Janeway's final line to Kurros, complete with a smug smirk, enforces her status as a complete badass.
"Oh I'm sure you'll find a solution. Just give it some...thought."
BOOM! Drop the mic! Janeway out!