Star Trek: 10 Weirdest Holodeck Episodes
9. Unexpected

There are only two relatively brief scenes on the Xyrillian version of a holodeck in this episode of (Star Trek:)Enterprise, but the first, odd in and of itself, sets off a whole chain of bizarre events. The lesson: never stick your hands in alien granules, even if they are just re-sequenced photons. This is one situation they never taught you in Sex Education!
Being the prequel that it was, the inclusion of holodeck-type technology in Enterprise was more unusual to the characters than it could have been for the viewer. It's little wonder that Trip had difficulty standing up straight in the 'boat' and keeping his members out of strange objects. Upon seeing the holographic environment for the first time, the Commander makes a comparison with a "3-D simulator," presumably already commonplace on Earth, since it is already in our present day. By the end of Unexpected, the Klingons had also bullied the Xyrillians into giving them the holographic tech.
As we all know, the Enterprise episode's title achieves its wordplay when Mr. Tucker falls not just nearly off that boat, but pregnant too. Beyond the debates that have been had about this over the years, and rightly so, we can say that Connor Trinneer certainly adds layers to the screwball comedy script he'd been given. Without his performance, the whole concept — and the nipple — might have been just a little bit too weird.