Star Trek: 10 Worlds We Should Probably Check On

5. The Q Continuum

Q John de Lancie Star Trek TNG Next Generation Picard
CBS Media Ventures

The Q have descended to wreak havoc on the lower planes of the Star Trek universe more times than Captain Janeway has had hot coffee, and yet members of Starfleet have only got to visit them twice. Neither of those times was the grand tour, but then the Continuum is perhaps only 'world' in the broadest sense of the word.

We know that it's possible to get to the Continuum without the handiwork of one of its members, even if the method was very specific and rather dangerous. Voyager had to fly right into a supernova, which was caused by spatial disruptions from the Continuum's civil war. Right at the moment of the star's implosion, a negative density, false vacuum was created, which pulled matter (and hence Voyager) into the Continuum. Do try to wrap your minuscule mind around it, Chuckles!

Someone really needs to check up on the Q, too. The OG Q (the John de Lancie Q) did, at times, show a softer side, and he did 'die,' although — true-to-form — in the most non-linear fashion. 'Aunt Kathy' might want to see how Q Junior's holding up.

As an audience, we also know that in Star Trek: Discovery's 32nd century setting, there has been no contact between the Federation and the Q Continuum for 600 years. What happened, or will happen, in the late 26th century that could account for such an absence? Maybe it was just a particularly boring period in history where the Q are concerned. Been there, done that, got the time travel t-shirts. Either way, it would be prudent to find out!

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.