Star Trek: 10 Worlds You MUST Visit

9. Qo'noS

Risa Star Trek pleasure world
Paramount Pictures

Thomas C. Drexler might dislike all things Klingon — was he bitten by a targ in his youth? — but at GTN Travel, we have to keep our options open before the Empire starts its next war with the Federation. Now's the time, if any, to visit the warriors' homeworld. Go on, try the gagh! There are over 50 varieties, and they all stop wriggling eventually!

The weather might not be great, and most of the animal life will try to eat you, but Qo'noS has enough history, culture, and combat sports to keep you entertained for weeks. If you choose to stay in the First City, you can visit the Great Hall (home to the Klingon High Council) by day, then by night, drink bloodwine and sing songs about the time Kahless slew the evil Molor.

Kahless certainly lives up to his epithet. It would be difficult to forget him on a planet where pretty much everything revolves around him. Okuda leant into this fact whilst on Qo'noS, completing a 'founder of the Empire' grand tour to the Caves of Kahless, and grabbing a look at the Lake of Lusor, where legend has it the memorable man himself forged the first bat'leth.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.