Star Trek: 11-ish Times Voyager Lost A Shuttle

3. The Definitely Maybes

Voyager Shuttle Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

To accompany the 'oh-yes-that-definitely-blew-up-or-crashed-and-smashed' and other certainties, there are quite a few instances where it looked like Voyager most probably lost a shuttle, but we just can't say for sure. Put on some incongruous, yet somehow appropriate music, for here's a quick run-down of the ones that might have gotten away with it:


Tom Paris and Neelix crash on 'Planet Hell' in a type 8. The shuttle looked in pretty bad shape, but there is still a possibility, however small, it was beamed back on board and repaired.


It's Neelix again, but with Tuvok and guest on the shuttle. The warp drive and impulse engines were destroyed, but we don't know if the shuttle was recovered.

The Raven

Homing-signalled Seven steals a shuttle. At first, as she leaves the bay through… 'creative means,' her shuttle is clearly a Type 6. In the exterior flyby shots that follow, the shuttle switches to a Type 8, then back to a Type 6, then back to a Type 8, then back to a Type 6 again. Towards the episode's end, the only shuttle mentioned as returning to Voyager is a Class 2/Type 9 piloted by Paris, so it's possible Seven's Type 6/Type 8 was left behind in Bomar space.


We don't know what happened to Seven and Tuvok's Hirogen-captured Class 2.


A claustrophobic Class 2 is caught in the gravimetric shear of a lively nebula and is never spoken of again. Mulchaey!

Think Tank

A shuttle of unknown type is perhaps left with the eponymous band of ponderers when Voyager warps away.


Seven and Tuvok go off to spend their shore leave studying a micronebula in a Class 2 before being captured by a Jeffrey Combs lookalike. Neither the Rock nor Toby the Targ know if Voyager got the shuttle back. Tsunkat! Tsunkat! Tsunkat!


Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.