Star Trek: 11-ish Times Voyager Lost A Shuttle

1. All Of Them And Voyager Too

Voyager Shuttle Star Trek
CBS Media Ventures

We may never know how many shuttlecraft Voyager began with, and it's debatable how many they lost (and rebuilt) on their way home. Oddly, what is countable with more precision is the number of times Voyager itself was completely destroyed, secondary craft most often along with it. Not for long though, of course. They still had a show to make! Moreover, in theory, Voyager temporarily doubled its shuttlecraft complement for a while in Deadlock, and there might have been a set out there made of 'silver blood' until, you know… Oblivion.

To paraphrase the alternate future Harry Kim in Timeless, when Voyager hit the ice at full speed, Decks 9 through 14 were compacted to 'become' Deck 10. The main shuttlebay of the Intrepid-class is on Deck 10, so… lots of squished shuttles? Later that same season, in Relativity, the space-time distortions emitted by ex-Captain Braxton's force-3 temporal disruptor tore Voyager apart. Whilst Captain Janeway gave the order to abandon ship, it appears no one made it to escape pod or shuttle. Year of Hell was probably hell for shuttles too, and Endgame's alternate future Admiral Janeway probably saw the end of plenty more shuttlecraft on her lengthier journey home.

Let's go back to (the) Future's End for a minute. After failing to murder everyone on Voyager for the first time, Braxton states that debris from Voyager's secondary hull was found in the explosion that wiped out Earth's solar system in the 29thcentury. In that timeline, therefore, it's pretty certain that Voyager was destroyed. If the solar system didn't make it, we doubt any shuttlecraft did either.

And down will come baby, shuttle and all.

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Jack Kiely is a writer with a PhD in French and almost certainly an unhealthy obsession with Star Trek.