25 Community Quotes That Prove It's The Best Show
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Now that Community is available on Netflix, the show is receiving more attention than ever. The increase in popularity has boosted the hopes of the #sixseasonsandamovie crowd, with creator Dan Harmon dropping hints that something is in the works. The entire cast (minus Chevy Chase) recently got together for a table read for Cooperative Polygraphy to raise funds for charity, as well as featuring on The Darkest Timeline podcast (hosted by Joel McHale and Ken Jeong).
The meta-heavy comedic style offered a completely unique experience for viewers and as a result, performed incredibly well with critics. That being said, the show was not without its issues. The well publisised fallout with Chase lead to Harmon leaving the show after three seasons, only to return after season four garnered middling reviews.
However, Harmon's genius would have got him nowhere if not for the incredible cast he and the Russo's put together. The uber talented ensemble were given a lot of room for improvisation on the show and weren't afraid to take advantage.
The show's incredible writing, combined with the off-the-cuff improv make for some hilarious and iconic quotes. Even some of the more unassuming lines have made their way into regular use, which only adds credit to this amazing show.