10 Doctor Who Deleted Scenes That Should Have Been Left In

5. “Far More Than Just Another Time Lord” (Remembrance Of The Daleks)

As is now common knowledge, Seventh Doctor script editor Andrew Cartmel made it his mission to bring more mystery to the Doctor via the so-called Cartmel Masterplan.

This would've revealed the Doctor to be a reincarnation of a being known as the Other, who, together with Rassilon and Omega, played a vital role in the formation of Time Lord society. It would, in effect, have given him god-like status.

The plan could never be fully realised due to the show’s untimely cancellation in 1989. But various seeds were planted in the final stories of the show’s original run, hinting that there was more to the Doctor than meets the eye.

Most notorious of all is a line from Remembrance of the Daleks that ended up on the cutting room floor, with the Doctor explicitly referring to himself as “far more than just another Time Lord."

It’s a line that’s gained such iconic status that you'd be forgiven for thinking it did appear on television. But alas, it did not, reportedly because producer John Nathan-Turner was concerned about its religious connotations.

Its exclusion is all the more frustrating when you consider how little of the Cartmel Masterplan actually transpired on screen. It absolutely should have remained!

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Doctor Who fan/YouTuber and now writer for WhatCulture!