10 Doctor Who Deleted Scenes That Should Have Been Left In

3. Clara's Theme (The Pilot)

The Twelfth Doctor’s guitar featured prominently across Series 9, but was mostly absent from Series 10 (save for cameos in The Pyramid at the End of the World and Twice Upon a Time).

It also made an off-camera appearance in series opener, The Pilot, with the Doctor knocking out a few bars of Beethoven’s 5th. But originally, it was set to make a much more substantial appearance in the episode.

During the montage that makes up the Doctor’s “It means life” lecture, we see Bill and Heather bump into each other in the student bar. As scripted, this was part of a longer sequence which saw the Doctor also present, playing his guitar in the background.

This led into another deleted scene where Bill asks the Doctor what he was playing. “I forget,” he tells her. However, to any eagle-eared fan, the tune is instantly recognisable as Clara’s theme.

This sequence was likely cut to make the Doctor’s lecture, and the episode as a whole, more punchy. But it absolutely should have been included.

It would've given the Doctor another chance to show off his guitar playing, while simultaneously playing tribute to Clara Oswald. What’s not to love?

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