20 Things That Are Probably On Chris Jericho's List

8. Brazil

List Of Jericho

You can count on one hand the number of wrestlers who are as adept at drawing a crowd reaction as Chris Jericho, but he took it to a new level in Brazil a few years ago.

Jericho was wrestling in Sao Paolo when a Brazilian flag was thrown in the ring. He rolled it into a ball, kicked it into the crowd, and what looked like a harmless heel move quickly descended into chaos.

The crowd were so incited that police genuinely had to halt the match and force Jericho to apologise to prevent a riot, but it didn't end there. Jericho required a police escort just to make it out of the arena, and Vince McMahon suspended him for 30 days.

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Andy has been with WhatCulture for eight years and is currently WhatCulture's Wrestling Channel Manager. A writer, presenter, and editor with 10+ years of experience in online media, he has been a sponge for all wrestling knowledge since playing an old Royal Rumble 1992 VHS to ruin in his childhood. Having previously worked for Bleacher Report, Andy specialises in short and long-form writing, video presenting, voiceover acting, and editing, all characterised by expert wrestling knowledge and commentary. Andy is as much a fan of 1985 Jim Crockett Promotions as he is present-day AEW and WWE - just don't make him choose between the two.