25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (Jan 27th)

5. Sami Loves Montreal

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Winter in Montreal is brutal, but in some ways truly beautiful. The scene pictured here - drivers digging their cars out of mountains of snow, parents bundling up their children and dragging them around in sleds, commuters waiting for the bus in -25C weather - these images not only stir up nostalgic feelings from my youth but also speak volumes about what makes this city great. Despite the fact that Montreal is a wonderfully diverse city, we are all one when it is us vs. the elements. Everyone must put on their armor and brave whatever nature has thrown at us. Everyone feels the struggle, no matter their economic, political, or ethnic background. Everyone is affected by the storm, and together we all soldier on. That oneness, that unity, is what shapes the culture and identity of this beautiful city that I love so much. Having said that, I should mention that I still leave Montreal every winter, and not one Montrealer blames me for it.

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