25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (May 17th)
Beach days, Psycho Boys and a sexual Tyrannosaur...

Now that WWE Money In The Bank is... erm... in the bank, the wrestling world's eyes turn to what's next, with Backlash lined up, then Extreme Rules and then Summer Slam. And speaking of that last one, Vince McMahon has apparently made it very clear that he intends to have crowds there no matter what. Well, there's nothing wrong with dreams.
This week, we've seen the news that at least one WWE star left because of concerns over the medical team, we've seen a new survey go out suggesting there may be a new supernatural angle coming and Drew Gulak has sadly left the company.
On top of that, there's news that The Revolt have been issued a cease and desist, Dolph Ziggler and Ryback have had a bit of Twitter handbags and it seems - rightly - that Roman Reigns is in no hurry to return.
And through it all, the superstars took to social media to do that thing they always do. This was the week in WWE Instagram...