25 Most Revealing WWE Instagram Posts Of The Week (Oct 11)

13. Eddie Guerrero Taught Randy Orton A Valuable Lesson

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I knew eddie for a couple years. I was so young and knew that I shouldnt approach him but had the unimaginable job of wrestling in the main event on TV, so I had to. There has always been attitudes egos or whatever backstage, that will never change. But when I met eddie I forgot everything that I was supposed to know about the wrestling business. Here was this top talent, that cared enough to give me the time of day. When I thought that a simple word would bother him, or he would tell me to F off, I quickly realized that I was dead wrong and that he gaf. He saw a young newcomer to the biz who was excited to work with him and he took the time to make me feel comfortable. I take that with me these days, the understanding that the new guys aren’t anything more then exactly how I USED to be. He made me feel welcome. He made me feel important. I will forever miss him, and can say without a doubt that he was one of the greatest to ever lace up a pair of boots. RIP #eddieguerrero

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...