5 Ups And 7 Downs From Last Night's WWE Raw (March 27)
2. Stop Trying To Make Fetch Happen
A few weeks ago, we heard for the first time the tagline for this year’s WrestleMania: The Ultimate Thrill Ride. It was stupid, but inoffensive enough. The announcers would drop it into every other promo about Mania, and we’d move on.
Flash-forward to Monday night, where the phrase was repeated at least two dozen times, with every wrestler working it into their promos for the big event – Undertaker transitioned it nicely into Roman Reigns’ “last ride,” while Kevin Owens said it would lead to Chris Jericho’s “ultimate demise.”
But aside from that, it was stupid tagline on repeat, a broken record or skipping CD that drives everyone crazy. It needed to stop, but it kept coming, to the point where a remote control nearly went flying.
Seriously, Vince McMahon, “fetch” isn’t going to happen.