10 Best Non-Marvel/DC Superheroes

7. The Goon

The Goon Comics Eric Powell's Goon isn't much to look at €“ a large street tough who looks like a Batman extra who should be working in the docks, just waiting for the Dark Knight to swoop down and punch him. But, as readers of the multi-volume series will know, Goon is much more than that. Using his appearance as a tough lunkhead to his advantage, Goon is actually the brains behind all mob activities in his town, pretending to be the right hand man of a fictional mob boss. What makes the series so enjoyable is the perfect mix of comedy, horror and action as Powell throws everything from zombies to cannibal hobos, giant squids, vampires and even a Rape Gorilla at Goon and his mouthy sidekick Franky to fight. Goon's strength, intelligence and compassion sees him come out aces every time, helping out the people under his protection even while he's laundering money, running illegal gambling dens, and gunrunning. Powell's created a world where literally anything could happen in The Goon and that's what makes it such an entertaining book and Goon such a great character.
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