10 Best Non-Marvel/DC Superheroes

6. Hit-Girl

Hit Girl Hit Girl is a pre-pubescent tiny ninja who's skilled in every kind of martial arts and every kind of firearm. In the world of Mark Millar and John Romita Jr's Kick Ass where the superheroes are just ordinary people wearing costumes, she stands out as the only real superhero character with her ability to take on groups of heavily armed mobsters and viciously murder them all! Her popularity was such that she got her own self-titled spin-off book where readers found out what happened to her between the first and second Kick Ass books, and which went on to form part of the second Kick Ass movie. Despite appearing in a series ostensibly about Kick Ass, Hit Girl steals every scene she's in and was the major talking point of everyone who saw the Kick Ass movies. Millar writes her brilliantly as a foul-mouthed, smack-talking little girl whom everyone is scared of €“ the blend of comedy and action is pitch-perfect and makes Hit Girl an unforgettable and unique superhero.
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