10 Characters Who Have Defeated Thanos
7. Doctor Doom

If there's one character who has suffered the most from failed big-screen iterations, it has to be Von Doom. Between three feature film appearances in the last fifteen years, none of them have even come close to capturing just how horrific and truly menacing Doom is as a character.
In Secret Wars #8, Doom has become an all-powerful warlord of the planet of Battleworld, now known as God Emperor Doom. As the heroes begin to prepare a mounted attack on Castle Doom, Thanos arrives on the planet to confront Doom himself. Doom tries to come to a peaceful agreement with him, asking only that he bow before his new God Emperor.
Thanos doesn't take to well to this, insinuating that he is still the more powerful villain and that Doom should kneel and ask for mercy from him. As a response, Doom rips Thanos' spine from his body with one hand behind his back.