10 Characters Who Have Defeated Thanos

6. Deadpool

Thanos Deaths
Marvel Comics

Sometimes Deadpool's incessant rambling and inability to ever keep his mouth closed is a serious weakness for the character. But sometimes, it's an incredible strength.

In Deadpool vs. Thanos #4, a cosmic-powered Deadpool and Thanos are fighting over Death's love. She stands and watches as the two fight, but Deadpool's innate knack for talking during action sequences pays off, big time.

He points out that all Thanos is ever trying to do to seduce Death is to kill half the universe. But by killing half the universe, he's also saving half the universe from Death. So he's arguably just as pro-life as he is pro-death.

Death buys into Deadpool's line of thought and abandons Thanos (again), leaving Thanos to grow weak and die without her.

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A film enthusiast and writer, who'll explain to you why Jingle All The Way is a classic any day of the week.