10 Essential Marvel Villains Not Yet Used In The MCU

9. Thane

Doctor Doom Thumbnail
Marvel Comics

He may not be the most recognisable on this list, and he may not have as big a history with our heroes as the others, but he is no less threatening for it. Thane is the illegitimate inhuman son of The Mad Titan Thanos, which in itself is enough to put the fear of God into the surviving Avengers.

Thane hates his father for slaughtering his people and impregnating his mother. When fully grown, The Mad Titan's son wants nothing more than to murder his father, going as far as recruiting the Champion of the Universe Tryco Slatterus, Nebula, Thanos' brother Eros, and Lady Death to help him take his father down.

If introduced into the MCU, Thane could not only act as a way to rid the Avengers of Thanos, he could take his father's place as the big bad, trying to erase his legacy as the universe's biggest threat.

An origin story could also delve deeper into Thanos demanding a sacrifice of all children between the ages of 16 and 22, in an attempt to destroy his AWOL son before having the chance to overthrow him. Imagine the mental strain on the Avengers and co. knowing they have got rid of Thanos only to have to face his son instead.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.