10 Most Gruesome Moments In DC History

10. Big Barda Bludgeons Granny Goodness - Mister Miracle (Vol.4) #2

Joker Face
DC Comics

The clever thing about Mister Miracle is that it's a series that you don't really associate with great violence, meaning that when it hits, it hits with huge impact.

Nowhere is this most apparent than when Barda beats her old torturer and foster mother to death in the second issue of the comic, which just so happens to be only one of many violent outbursts featured in Tom King and Mitch Gerads' comic.

There are an entire six panels dedicated to showing Barda crushing her old tormentor, each with a steadily increasing level of violence, and each leaving you slightly more taken aback than the last.

To make the whole thing even more messed up, Barda takes the old woman out as the villain is explaining to Mister Miracle that she was actually a double agent working for the Highfather to keep Scott alive this whole time. While it's not clear if this is true or just her attempt to get into Miracle's head, her death means that both Scott and the reader are left uncertain as to whether or not her terrible fate was fully deserved.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.