10 Richest Comic Book Characters
From ballpark figures based on backstories to net worths actually mentioned within the pages of funnybooks, we've complied a list of the most loaded comic book characters going today.
Mo money, mo problems, as the Notorious BIG once memorably sang. Of course his real problem turned out to be bullets, which might easily have been stopped if he invested his own personal wealth into constructing a kevlar suit of armour for himself, possibly with a Bat-themed decoration and headdress. Because even the biggest hip-hop superstar's fortune pales in comparison the the sort of cash that rules everything around comic book characters. There's plenty of masked vigilantes that just manage to scrape a living when they're out of their tights - Spider-Man especially is chronically broke - but there's equally as many superheroes who are not only well off, but actual billionaires. As in, when they're not getting up to whatever shenanigans that make up the majority of their days - fighting crimes, doing crimes, or otherwise - these comic book moneybags are sitting in their mansions, counting out their considerable amounts of scratch and cackling to themselves. And that's just the heroes. Thanks to the internet, a place where people will do thorough investigations into everything from the scientific accuracy of Sonic the Hedgehog's superspeed to where Iron Man goes to the bathroom when he's in his suit, we now have accurate estimations as to how much these fictional characters actually have in the bank. From ballpark figures based on backstories to net worths actually mentioned within the pages of funnybooks (some issues are more exciting than others), we've managed to piece together a definitive list of the wealthiest characters in comic bookdom. If there's any superpowered billionaire you think we've missed, let us know in the comments! And if you're Donald Trump, 1. Sorry, you're not technically fictional, although you are a character, and 2. How can you not afford a better toupee than that?