10 Things You Didn't Know About Loki

9. His Marvel Mother Is Called Farbauti

Just about everybody knows that Marvel Loki's real father is Laufey and that his adoptive parents are Odin and Frigga (thanks largely to their live action depictions by Anthony Hopkins and Rene Russo respectively), but very few people know who his birth mother is. Her name is Farbauti and she has never appeared on panel in a Marvel comic book. The only time her image appeared on panel, it was actually the interdimensional parasite known rather appropriately as "Mother" impersonating her. Interestingly, like Laufey, the gender of Farbauti has been switched from the Norse mythology on which she is based. She is actually a he - Loki's father - and she is known as Farbaut.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.