10 Weird Marvel Heroes You Won't Believe Exist
They probably aren't going to be the MCU's next big thing.

Marvel Comics are always looking for new heroes to turn into the next big movie or TV franchise. We've seen their most popular heroes like Captain America and Spider-Man shoot to stardom and now even lesser characters like Ant-Man and Iron Fist have their own franchises (and who would ever have though Ant-Man would be the better of the two?).
The icing on the cake though has to be the Guardians of the Galaxy. Who would ever have thought that a team with a talking raccoon and a sentient tree would become one of Marvel's most loved movies?
With Rocket and Groot's stardom, it may seem like we've seen the weirdest Marvel has to offer. However, that's far from the truth. There are still plenty of heroes lurking in the catacombs of the House of Ideas and plenty of them are stranger than anything you could possibly imagine.
Some have become cult favourites over the years, others have been infamous jokes that Marvel would rather we never mentioned again.
Either way, you aren't going to forget any of these anytime soon.
10. Sleepwalker

A lot of heroes find fighting crime to be a tough job, but there's one who can literally do it in his sleep.
Sleepwalker is an alien who came from the Mindscape, an alternate dimension that all intelligent minds unconsciously border. The Sleepwalkers act as the guardians of the Mindscape, stopping evil entities from invading the dreams of sleeping minds.
However, Sleepwalker (whose real name is unpronounceable) was tricked by one of his enemies and ended up trapped in the mind of a man named Rick Sheridan. This gave Sleepwalker the ability to materialise in the real world and he began using his powers to fight crime and injustice.
Sleepwalker is super-strong and can fly. Although, for whatever reason, he gets weaker the further he is from the ground. He also has his "warp gaze" which can alter the shape of anything he hits with his eye-beams.
Sleepwalker's arrangement has a pretty big downside though. He can only fight crime while Rick is asleep. As soon as his host wakes up, Sleepwalker is teleported back to the Mindscape.
It must lead to some pretty awkward situations, like Sleepwalker being on the verge of defeating Thanos, only to vanish because Rick got up to go pee.