10 Worst Things The Kingpin Has Ever Done

4. Allowed His Son To Die

Kingpin Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

While the main version of the Kingpin is a pretty bad guy, the version that appeared in Punisher MAX was an absolute monster.

In this continuity, the Kingpin got his start in life by drugging his abusive stepfather and feeding him to a pack of starving rats after he killed his dog. He then went on to establish himself in the criminal underworld by going to a rival's house, killing his wife and then torturing him to death when he came home.

For a while, Fisk worked for a mob boss called Don Rigoletto as a bodyguard. When the Punisher started killing Rigoletto's men, Fisk suggested they create a fictional "Kingpin of Crime" to lure him out. However, instead of simply impersonating the Kingpin, Fisk became it and murdered all the other mob bosses.

In a final showdown, Rigoletto took Wilson's son Richard hostage and threatened to kill him. Fisk refused and calmly stood by as the don slit Richard's throats. It was then that Fisk realised he never really loved his son and that everything he had done was motivated purely out of self interest rather than securing a legacy for his family.

He then proceeded to butcher his former employer.


I was just a mild-mannered NCTJ accredited journalist until one day I found out the truth... that I could share my nerdy ramblings with people on the internet! It's just like mumbling to myself on the train, but without all the strange looks.