11 Characters Who Might Be The MCU's First LGBT* Superhero

9. Karma

Thor Ragnarok Valkyrie
Marvel Comics


Karma is a member of the X-Men co-created by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, which pretty much tells you all you need to know about exactly why this girl needs to join the MCU soon.

Though she isn’t Claremont’s most famous creation (Mystique, Rogue, Psylocke, Jubilee and of course Phoenix are all ahead of her), she perhaps best sums up his legacy. Claremont was all about strong female characters, complex themes and literary twists on superhero fiction. Karma represents each of these categories note perfectly.

An outspoken Catholic lesbian, Karma is orphaned by the Vietnam war; her father is killed in action while her mother is raped and murdered by Pirates as she and her siblings flee the conflict. They’ll probably clean the story up a little for the MCU.

She is able to possess people and animals, acting with the strength of two after accidentally absorbing her brother. Her story is rich and compelling, while her powers are unique and brimming with potential.

The MCU is probably going to be reluctant to bring the more famous X-Men into the universe for a while, but with Karma they have a fantastic mutant yet to be utilised by the Fox movies.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)