11 Characters Who Might Be The MCU's First LGBT* Superhero

8. Wiccan & Hulking

Thor Ragnarok Valkyrie
Marvel Comics

Both Gay

A double entry here, as this couple are much more likely to be introduced together or not at all instead of separately. Both of them are part of the Young Avengers, a team which could enter the MCU simultaneously through the new potential multiverses.

In Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse, the (non-MCU) film takes its time explaining depressed Peter Parker and Gwen Stacey, while focusing on Miles Morales. When it comes to Spider-Ham, Spider-Man Noir and Peni Parker though, it just drops all three of them in at once.

This works because of the wacky tone and snappy pacing, and Marvel would do well to borrow this idea.

By introducing the Young Avengers this way, they get to have a Guardians style joint origin story with pre-existing storylines, rather than each character getting their own starting point and teaming up later.

One of those stories would surely be Wiccan and Hulking’s relationship. Quite literally a power couple, the two could be the MCU’s first gay characters together.

Wiccan is a mutant with magic and reality warping skills, while Hulking is a Kree-Skull shapeshifter with superhuman strength, accelerated healing and has wielded Star Sword Excelcior. Both bring an awful lot to the table besides their sexuality.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)