11 More Insane Alternative Versions Of Superman You Won't Believe

10. Medieval Superman

Superman: The Dark Side
DC Comics

One of DC’s Elseworlds comics, the medieval Superman comes from the Superman: Kal comic. In this reality, Kal-El’s space pod lands in Medieval England.

He landed in a village and was taken in by a family of peasants. Growing up the young Kal’s powers began to manifest and became a blacksmith because of his immense strength. Later in life Kal would meet Lady Loisse and publicly flaunted his powers to win a tournament to impress her. Much to the dismay of Baron Luthor, who had a massive interest in the Lady..

Luthor uncovered the buried Kryptonian spaceship Kal arrived in and, after witnessing the invincibility of its metal to any of man’s weapons, he demanded it be stripped down and made into a suit of armour. Somewhat ironically Kal was the only blacksmith able to smelt it down into armour with his superior strength.

The baron allowed Kal to pick his reward, which he decided was to be able to marry Lady Loisse. While Luthor was opposed to this he could not go back on his promise. Instead, he invoked a law stating he may lay with any madam on her wedding night. Ew.

Shortly after Kal discovered that Baron Luthor had beaten Loisse to death the young Superman swore revenge. Kal led a revolt against the evil Luthor and stormed the castle. Tragically, Kal ultimately died but his legacy carried on as the sword he forged would go on to become Excalibur.


I'm a Northern Irishman in England...It is only else interesting thing about me