6 Awesome Comics You Must Read This Week (15 January)

5. Night Of The Living Deadpool #1 by Cullen Bunn and Ramon Rosanas (Marvel)

Deadpool After emerging from a chimichanga-induced food coma, Deadpool awakens to a black and white world (though he remains in colour) devoid of human life. The streets are deserted, some people are eating another person, and Deadpool realises... he could go for another chimichanga! This is Night of the Living Dead starring Wade Wilson, a concept so brilliantly simple, it's amazing nobody's done it before. Cullen Bunn, the writer of the Deadpool Killology, returns to pen this miniseries which follows Deadpool - very slowly! - realising the zombie apocalypse has happened and that he should probably do something about it. Or just look for more fast food without becoming fast food himself. Bunn's choice to give the zombies a wider vocabulary than just "braaaains!" over and over makes for some funny scenes as Deadpool tries to have fun blasting away the walking dead but has a hard time when they're saying things like "I had a good life!" and "Don't leave without killing me!". Takes the fun out of it when you realise they're people and not cartoons! Also the sequence showing some pretty obvious clues that things are awry is really good as Deadpool saunters past people coughing up blood and walking corpses, shrugging that hey, the world's messed up, right, why would he notice? So do we need another zombie comic? We do if its starring Deadpool! This one's a no-brainer for Deadpool fans - Night of the Living Deadpool #1 is every bit as great and funny as you'd expect!

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