Batman: 8 Incredibly Dark Joker Moments We'll Never See On Screen

6. Eating China

Everyone€™s seen the kind of damage the Joker does on a daily basis without any special powers or abilities. As Heath Ledger said it, €œLook what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets.€ The scary question, however, is what horrors would the Joker do suppose he had powers; specifically, the ability to do whatever you wanted in a three-dimensional world? That fear came to fruition in the crossover series Emperor Joker wherein the Clown Prince steals Mr. Mxyzptlk€™s powers of reality manipulation and remakes the world in his own sickening view. While his constant torture of Batman definitely remains a haunting experience, one of his most extreme actions is to have some Chinese food. By Chinese food, I of course mean the entire population of China with a pair of large chopsticks. Why It Won't Be Done... Aside from the point that this would cause some international PR problems (as we saw affect the production of Iron Man 3), the whole storyline of Emperor Joker was very surreal and experimental in nature, almost to the point of Eraserhead. This isn€™t something that would be restricted by an audience rating, but rather the whole idea of Joker getting magic powers and transforming the world would be out of place for at least a live action film. Throw in a scene in which he consumes an entire nation just for the heck of it and some might consider this to be a parody of sorts.

Red Stewart is big fan of the entertainment industry, with insights into film, television, and video games for starters. Despite growing up in the 21st century's era of modernization, he prefers many retro era ideas over the current trends found in many of today's media. Personally he's an introvert who loves reading as much as gaming.