Comic: Rorschach #3
Written By: Brian Azzarello
Pencils By: Lee Bermejo
Publisher: DC Comics
rating: 4
Rorschach started gaining ground last week on the gangs that kicked the crap out of him. Taking his brutal approach to all things, he held a goon captive and beat some details out of him (with the help of a well placed shard of glass) but now we begin issue three with the goons buddies turning up and now, like in the original Watchmen, Rorschach battles his way out of an apartment block in cool and chaotic ways to keep himself alive.

Whats great about Rorschach is hes just fun to be around. Seeing him either in control of a situation or desperately trying to escape from one is always great but after all the opening fun is done with, theres a moments that occurs that I'm not too sure about. Rorschach gets in a taxi and the taxi driver, seems to be quite literally the Taxi Driver. Yknow, Travis Bickle, Robert DeNiros character from the classic film. Now, on paper this pair share a lot on common in their view points on New York and the scumbags that live in it but I'm not sure whether having a lookalike talking to Rorschach (and its only a lookalike, its never as obvious as the guy saying Hi, Im Travis or anything) is a good thing. Its kinda cool I guess but it totally took me out of moment for the pages that they share a cab on and it might take a couple more reads to fully accept.

Anyway, Rorschach has a bit of a love interest forming with the waitress from Gunga Diner but with his crime fighting antics taking over there doesn't seem a lot of scope for it to go anywhere and when the cliffhanger to this issue rolls around theres hints that the next issue may very well put an end to any sort of affair Rorschach may have had in his future. Rorschach continues to be a solid, beautifully illustrated comic book. It;s not trying to do anything but celebrate the elements we all love about the Watchmen character and it does them all well. Its very much a pocket story showcasing Rorschachs day to day, rather than trying to tie into historic events and the other Watchmen characters, like many of the other Before Watchmen titles are trying to do and that makes the title a refreshing element of the Before Watchmen series. One issue to go and we might be about to see a harder turning point in Rorschachs already harsh approach to the scumbags around him. Cant wait.

Before Watchmen Weekly Overview