Comic Review: Before Watchmen – Ozymandias #2
Issue #2 carries on where the previous issue left off and we see Ozymandias do exactly what he had set out to do.

rating: 4.5
Issue #1 of Ozymandias had Adrian Veidt recounting the days of his youth and the decision he made to wear his gold and purple Halloween costume to tackle the drug lords who's product had killed his girlfriend. Issue #2 carries on where the previous issue left off and we see Ozymandias do exactly what he had set out to do. With the same calculated, controlled and level headed approach we all love Ozy for, we are told about the events of Ozymandiass first mission as a crime fighter. We see his skills, hear about his techniques and get a fresh insight into just how good his is.

"Before Watchmen feels more established now its beginning have more character crossover and these #2s have done a good job at setting up the playing field for the rest of the run. Im still not 100% sure these Before Watchmen stories have been swinging strong enough to land a powerful blow story wise but I guess the #3s will add more to that. With that said, its another #1 next week with Rorschach arriving with his own series. Anyone got a time machine I could borrow? A week seems too long!"