DC vs Masters Of The Universe: 5 Alternative Battles We'd Love To See

5. Sinestro Vs Scare Glow

sinestrovsscareglow Of course, Sinestro isn't actually an inhabitant of DC's Earth, but if Skeletor is joined by any of his henchmen and Scare Glow happens to be one of them, he could quite easily be drawn there. The presence of someone with an ability to instil such fear in others would surely attract the leader of the Sinestro Corps - and if Scare Glow refuses, that could lead to a very interesting confrontation. Whilst there is no doubting that Sinestro has displayed far more offensive power in his vastly superior number of appearances, it would be interesting to see whether or not Scare Glow's power to make his opponents tremble in his wake would work on someone with such mastery over the art of fear. If it didn't, Sinestro would no no doubt obliterate the Masters of the Universe villain, or have him succumb to the yellow ring and join him in the Sinestro Corps - and I for one think that Scare Glow would make a great recruit.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.