EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

7. Aquaman - Legends Of The DC Universe #27

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics

When a surprisingly convincing gambit from the Joker convinces Aquaman that the villain is the 'King of the Land', Aquaman goes to Batman for help dethroning him. He then immediately starts fighting the Bat - presumably because that's how you ask for help in Atlantis, because otherwise his motivations make zero sense.

What does make sense, however, is the next two pages, which consist of a montage of WWE-esque moves that Batman pulls out to completely destroy the fishy hero. In the span of twelve panels, there are precisely three that show Aquaman landing a hit on the Dark Knight. Even then, he looks more like Robin came home with a bad spelling test than actually hurt by any of it.

This said, the moment comes from the same comic that has Aquaman defeated by a random woman with pepper spray, so maybe it isn't the most accurate portrayal of the King of the Seas that we've ever seen.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.