EVERY Hero Batman Has Defeated

6. The Hulk - Batman Vs. The Incredible Hulk

Batman Justice League Doom
DC Comics/Marvel Comics

In a surprise Marvel/DC crossover moment, Batman Vs. The Incredible Hulk features the Dark Knight taking out one of Marvel's finest with surprising ease.

With the Joker pitting the Hulk against Gotham's Protector, Batman is forced to try and stop his rampage, which almost ends up killing him when Hulk puts the unfortunate hero in the start of a spinebuster.

Being no stranger to spine damage, Batman forces himself into action, boxing the Green Giant's ears so he'll let go, and then punching him in the stomach while releasing sleeping gas - which results in Marvel's Strongest Avenger toppling over, sound asleep.

It's unlikely that this battle would've been as one-sided were it to happen in more recent comics, as the Hulk is way more of a threat now than he was in 1982. It's an absolute pipe dream to hope the pair will ever fight again - but one that's well worth imagining, with the absolute havoc it would no doubt cause.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.