Marvel Cinematic Universe: 10 Twists No One Will See Coming

8. Hela Is Working With Thanos

Nick Fury Skrull
Marvel Studios

Perhaps the most convenient way to get the Space Stone from the vaults of Asgard to its inevitable place in Thanos's gauntlet is via a twist in Hela's tale - the villainess was in league with the Mad Titan the whole time.

Marvel could play fast and loose with its source material and have Cate Blanchett's antagonist serve as the personification of death that Thanos is keen to court.

Not only would this bridge a gap between Thor: Ragnarok and Infinity War, it also eliminates the problem of casting a new actress as Death and dedicating screen time to fleshing out the character in an already crowded movie.

After laying waste to Asgard, Hela will return to Thanos's side, subject the audience to a creepy god-on-alien romance and hand over the Infinity Stone. Presumably he's promised to make her his queen or something.

And since death is the only thing the Titan seems to have any affection for - other than himself, that is - maybe he'll keep his word on that.


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