MCU: 8 Ways To Integrate Fox Characters

5. Doctor Doom - Solo Movie

Hulk Wolverine
Marvel Comics

After two poor iterations, Fox have doubled down on Doctor Doom, planning on basing a solo movie around the villain. Should he come under the Disney umbrella, this idea would still be the best way to introduce him into the MCU.

One of the main reasons Marvel villains tend to be forgettable or under-developed is because they rarely get more than one movie to make an impact, going up against a hero who may be appearing their third or fourth movie.

A movie solely focused on how Victor Von Doom evolves into megalomaniac Doctor Doom, ruler of Latveria, would allow the character development needed to prevent him from becoming just another bad guy, instead giving him the platform necessary to de-throne Loki as Marvel's greatest villain.

Doom's past is one of tragedy. After losing both parents at a young age, Victor turned to the dark arts in an attempt to bring his Mother back. Pairing this with his almost limitless intellect, Doom became a prodigy academically, technologically, and mystically. After travelling the world, Doom returned to overthrow the Latverian king, claiming the nation as his own to rule.

Seeing this ascent from such a small beginning would be fascinating to see portrayed on the big screen, and would solidify Doom as a deep, complex character and ruthless antagonist in his own right.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.