MCU: 8 Ways To Integrate Fox Characters

4. Galactus And The Silver Surfer - Guardians Of The Galaxy

Hulk Wolverine
Marvel Comics

The Guardians of the Galaxy franchise has introduced many wonderfully weird characters into the MCU. With Groot, Rocket Raccoon and Ego the Living Planet, among others, all finding a home in the Marvel universe, it would not be out of the question for two of the greatest cosmic characters in Marvel history to be the next in line.

Galactus the Devourer of Worlds, so-called for his need to feed on planets as a form of sustenance, would use The Silver Surfer as his herald, sending him forth to find worlds for his master to consume. As a villain Galactus would be different to those that have come before him, in that he is simply doing what he needs to do in order to survive.

As the Herald of Galactus, The Surfer's task would see him travel to different planets. There may come a time when he encounters The Guardians on one of these worlds, giving the team the job of preventing the celestial from destroying the entire planet.

After encountering Peter Quill and co. The Surfer would be alerted to the error of his ways, and knowing that there is no way to stop Galactus, would simply lead him to other, uninhabited worlds throughout the universe. This would allow for the villain to return in later movies, possibly as the next big bad after the defeat of Thanos.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.