For those of you thousands and thousands of miles away from this year's San Diego Convention Center, WhatCulture! and Ustream can bring the experience of the event to your living rooms and without the queues, the sweaty and unwashed men and the possibility that you
might get stabbed in the eye. Embedded below is an active player which will bring you minute-to-minute LIVE screaming of the convention starting today, Thursday 21st July at 11am (U.S. time), so we are talking late afternoon/early evening in the U.K. The webcasts will provide announcements, previews, game trailers, and more, straight from the show floor! Don't miss out on this year's Comic Con just because you can't be there.... (P.S. - WhatCulture! takes no responsibility from your teachers or employers if you take time off to watch this stream 24/7).
EW Live Feed
Gamespot Live Feed