10 Absolutely Ridiculous Moments In Mainstream Horror Movies

10. The Freddy-Worm (Freddy Vs Jason)

Freddy Worm In Freddy Vs Jason, the teenage stars go to a local hospital to acquire a drug that will subdue their dreams so that Freddy can't get to them. Freeburg (the pothead who is clearly a rip-off of Jay of Jay and Silent Bob fame) is smoking - as potheads tend to do - prior to getting hold of any. The door to the room he is in opens and a 'Freddy-worm' (a worm like creature that is actually Freddy assuming a worm-like form) comes in with a bong and blows smoke in his face. The worm leaves but is followed by Freeburg who wants another hit. The worm then takes to the ceiling and drips slime on Freeburg, causing him to look upwards, at which point it dives down Freeburg's throat, possessing him so that he can tranquillise Jason to take him in to Freddy's dream world. Even after writing that, I still can't believe how ridiculous it is.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.