10 Absolutely Ridiculous Moments In Mainstream Horror Movies

9. "The Paramedic" Is Beheaded (Halloween H20)

Paramedic Myers When Michael Myers returns after 20 years to kill his sister, Laurie Strode, he leaves his usual trail of bodies while trying to do so. In a final confrontation with him, Laurie manages to stab him several times, causing him to fall over a balcony, seemingly dead. When he is about to be taken away in a body bag, Laurie, knowing that Michael is incredibly hard to kill and not believing that he is really dead, grabs herself an axe, an officer's pistol and steals the van Michael is in. While Laurie driving away, Michael sits up and escapes the body bag. She slams on the brakes, throwing him violently through the windshield. She then tries unsuccessfully to run him over, causing the vehicle to tumble down a cliff. Laurie escapes, while Michael gets pinned between the van and a tree. Laurie recovers the axe and approaches him. He reaches out to her, apparently seeking forgiveness and compassion. At first it seems she will accept this, and begins reaching out to him, but then she slowly pulls her hand back and with one swing decapitates Michael, finally killing him. That's all well and good, until it is revealed in the next film - Halloween: Resurrection - that Michael had attacked a paramedic who had come to collect his body, destroyed his vocal chords and switched clothes with him, thus revealing the man Laurie had decapitated as a paramedic. This raises all kinds of questions, such as; why was he reaching out to her eerily instead of waving his hands about frantically? How did an ordinary man survive being smashed between a van and a tree? Totally and utterly stupid.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.