10 Amazing Easter Eggs You Never Noticed In Marvel's Cinematic Universe

4. Fin Fang Foom (Iron Man 2)

Fin Fang Foom 1 Fin Fang Foom (that's his real name, I swear) is a supervillain who once fought Iron Man in the comics, and a really bizarre one at that. And he has his fans, I suppose. A dragon-like monster awakened by accident in China, Foom went on to terrorise humanity and make problems for our hero Tony Stark, mainly due to his colossal size. And for some reason there's a billboard with his dirty great face on it within the frames of Iron Man 2. Yep: you can see some pretty awesome concept art by artist Adi Granov depicting Foom during one of the scenes where Tony Stark zooms through a street in his Iron Man gear. Blink and you'll certainly miss it. Why is this included, then? Apparently there were plans for Foom to make an appearance in Iron Man 2 at some stage in development, which were - as you'll know - later scrapped. But for a long while comic book sites were reporting Foom's supposed appearance in the movie - a lot of fans seriously thought Tony was gonna have to face off against this massive dragon. Though back then that would have seemed kind of wrong, with the new inter-dimensional plot-lines brought in by Thor and The Avengers, we think Marvel could probably make Foom work on the big screen at some point in future. You know, if they want.

All-round pop culture obsessive.