10 Amazing Easter Eggs You Never Noticed In Marvel's Cinematic Universe

5. Odin's Treasure Collection (Thor)

tumblr_lqmnfqVXC91qd7snko1_500 Odin - as played by Anthony Hopkins in Thor - is the ruler of Asgard, which of course entitles him to treasure and riches beyond your wildest dreams. And though you may have glimpsed a few of these treasures during the sequences when the ice giants invade the vault, did you realise that most of them are actually crucial artfects from a whole host of Marvel comic books? Many of which, by the way, are imbued with some truly incredible powers. One of the items featured (and briefly glimpsed) in Odin's collection is the Infinity Gauntlet, a sort of glove that allows its user to manipulate the universe when all six "Infinity Gems" are collected together and placed in the appropriate, uh, slots (it also happens to be one the most famous Marvel artefacts in the history of the comics). Others include the Eternal Flame, the Warlock's Eye (another mystical weapon) and the Orb of Agamotto (which gives superhero Doctor Strange some of his clairvoyant powers). Who knows if any of these hidden gems will become part of future MCU plots?

All-round pop culture obsessive.