10 Best "I Want" Songs In Animated Films

8. Tangled - "When Will My Life Begin?"

A youthful composition with a rock-inspired feel, "When Will My Life Begin?" explores both the monotony of Rapunzel's daily life and her desire to leave the confines of Mother Gothel's tower so that she can explore the world outside.

It sounds quite mainstream for a Disney flick, but there's no doubting its appeal. The simple lyrics, Rapunzel's fantastically rendered body language and facial expressions as she goes about her activities (brushing her endless train of her hair can only keep her occupied for so long), as well as Mandy Moore's singing performance, all serve to demonstrate the young woman's ever-growing frustrations with her present condition. It also shows the nurtured hopes that she carries to see the lights that shine every year on her birthday.

It's a catchy tune, but its underlying meanings are made evident to the audience, who then start to sympathise with Rapunzel. These feelings are doubled when the song slows down at the climax: hearing the almost mournful voice of Moore as Rapunzel wanders if her “mother” will finally let her go and see the lights would make anyone want to root for her.


A Journalism graduate raised on Disney, Britcoms and Archie Comics (in no particular order). Loves dogs, addicted to tea and is an all-round Sims fanatic. Has a fondness for virtual archers and cowboys of the Mortal Kombat and Overwatch variety, and is patiently biding her time until fan-girling becomes a recognised profession.