10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

8. Nicolas Cage Is An Immortal Vampire

Nicolas Cage Time

The most bizarre moment in Nicolas Cage's career came in 2012 when he was forced to defend himself against vampire allegations on David Letterman's talk show.

A conspiracy theory claiming the star is a blood-sucking member of the undead gained so much traction that the presenter simply had to broach the subject with him.

It all started when a photo bearing a resemblance to Cage appeared on eBay with a $1 million asking price under the headline 'Nicolas Cage is a Vampire'.

Although the Ghostrider star acknowledged the likeness, he staunchly denied allegations that he's an immortal creature of the night, and also pointed out that you cannot photograph vampires.

Damn, why did he have to go and bring logic into it?

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