10 Crazy Movie Conspiracy Theories You Need To Hear

7. The Emoji Movie Was Secretly Funded By Apple

Nicolas Cage Time
Sony Pictures Animation

The Emoji Movie has Sony Pictures' branding all over it, but according to a bevy of Internet conspiracy theorists, there was also another company behind it, a little firm you might have heard of called Apple.

The theory goes that the Mac maker secretly funded the smiley fest as a means of promoting the facial recognition technology included in the upcoming iPhone X.

Emoji Movie follows a smiley who becomes a societal outcast because he's capable of performing multiple expressions, rather than just one like the rest of the pack.

When Apple announced the iPhone X months later, one of the new features it showcased was the ability to create custom emoji, sparking rumours that the firm bankrolled the film to promote its new handset and encourage kids to use the smiley generator.

Although the whole thing is probably a coincidence, if Apple did have anything to do with The Emoji Movie - which has all the appeal of that talking turd Patrick Stewart voices - it's easy to see why the firm would want to keep its name off it.

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