10 Deleted Star Wars Movie Scenes You've Never Seen

The Star Wars universe is full of incredible sights that very few people have seen.

Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi Sandstorm deleted scene

Whether in terms of popularity, influence, or money (it's worth nearly $50 billion and counting), Star Wars is one of the biggest franchises of any kind across all of entertainment.

The TV shows, games, books, and pieces of plastic tat all orbit around the series' main film instalments; the features that turned millions of kids around the globe into lightsaber-waving, Force-believing, Wookie-impersonating worshippers at the altar of George Lucas.

Megafans will tell you that they know all the films inside out and back-to-front, every little detail absorbed through meticulous watching and re-watching, but there's more to these movies than what made it to the cinema.

As with all films, more footage was shot on the sets of the various Star Wars projects than was needed, leaving thousands of hours of footage to sit unused in a bin somewhere.

These 10 scenes are just the tip of the cutting room iceberg, cut content that, had it been included, might have changed Star Wars in fairly significant ways.

Equally, some are completely throwaway, but even they can be fun if you don't take them too seriously.

10. Anakin Vs. Greedo - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Episode VI Return of the Jedi Sandstorm deleted scene

One of the longest-running and most furious debates among Star Wars fans is the age old question of who shot first, Han Solo or Greedo?

The issue arose from the scene in Star Wars (1977) where the green bounty hunter confronts the smuggler in Mos Eisley, only to get blasted by Solo's concealed weapon. Fans have consistently argued over whether Han shot first or not, thanks to a change implemented by George Lucas with the release of the Special Editions in 1997. The argument took on such significance that George Lucas couldn't help but include a reference to it in The Phantom Menace.

After young Anakin Skywalker wins the podrace that ensures his freedom, Qui-Gon Jinn stumbles across the boy having a scrap with an alien child, who turns out to be none other than a young Greedo.

The Rodian had accused little Ani of cheating in the race, hence the fisticuffs, which the Jedi breaks up. The real cherry on the cake comes when Greedo talks to his friends, who warm him that "you shouldn't attack someone first."

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.