10 Devastating Film Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

5. Han Solo - Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Star Wars The Force Awakens Han Solo death

Despite the fact that Harrison Ford notoriously insisted that his character was killed off during the Original Trilogy, the idea that Disney would willingly destroy one of the most popular brands in Star Wars seemed illogical. Sure, the old guard would have to be retired, but there was no way any character as cool as Han Solo would be unceremoniously murdered by his own son or anything.

Ok, so on reflection the idea of Solo being put out to pasture quietly makes little sense, and he was probably always destined for a heroic death, but it was the manner of the death that really shocked. He even seemed to be getting through to Ben, whose resolve softened right up to the point when he drives his lightsaber through his dad's body.

So devastating and shocking was the death that it pissed off some Star Wars fans no end. Not that that's difficult these days.

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