10 Devastating Film Deaths That Came Out Of Nowhere

4. Ofelia - Pan's Labyrinth

Ofelia Pan S Labyrinth

The delightful Pan's Labyrinth is a stunning and pure expression of Guillermo Del Toro's imagination, which has the capacity to be both wonderful and deeply disturbed in equal measure. It's that creative conflict that makes him such a compelling film-maker, but it comes at an emotional cost at times.

That's definitely the case with the shocking, bittersweet (but mostly bitter) ending to Pan's Labyrinth, which presents itself as a fairy tale - setting expectations of happy endings - and ends up being one of those older, darker fairy tales before they were sanitised by Disney.

Just as you think Ofelia is going to complete her three tasks and gain her immortality, she's asked by the Faun to kill her younger brother to open the portal to the underworld, and when she refuses, she's killed by her evil stepfather, who takes back his son from her protection. Yes, he's killed and Ofelia dies smiling and rules in death in the underworld, but watching her die after everything she went through is a lot.

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